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        集团旗下乌干达先锋建筑有限公司是在中国二十三冶乌干达工程公司基础上发展而成立的乌干达当地建筑公司。该公司先后承建了乌干达恩特培总统府项目,乌干达quality chemical 制药厂项目,乌干达恩特培酒店项目,乌干达全球纸业工业园项目,乌干达西部学校项目(中国政法出资),乌干达卡鲁玛水电站812联合体办公楼及全部地面临时建筑项目。先锋公司现拥有各类工程技术人员100多人,业务涉及工业及民用建筑,装修业务。公司在钢结构制造安装,成套造纸设备,污水处理设备安装方面在乌干达处于领先地位。先锋公司在乌干达具有良好的信誉和广泛的合作伙伴。在公路建设,输变电线路建设工程方面也有成功的经验。先锋公司期待任何公司及个人合作!

Uganda Pioneer Construction Co. Ltd. is a Ugandan local construction company established on the basis of China's 23rd Ugandan engineering company. The company successfully constructed the project of Entebbe presidential palace in Uganda, the project of quality chemical factory in Uganda, the project of Entebbe hotel in Uganda, the project of Uganda's global paper industry park, the western Uganda school project (China's political and legal fund), Kaluma Hydropower Station in Uganda, 812 Commonwealth office buildings and all temporary ground construction projects. The company now has various types of engineering and technical personnel more than 100 people; it involves industrial, civil construction and decoration businesses. The company is in a leading position in Uganda in the manufacture and installation of steel structures, complete sets of paper making equipment and installation of sewage treatment equipment. It has a good reputation and a wide range of partners in Uganda. The company has also registered success in highway construction and transmission line construction projects. Pioneer Construction Company is open to both company and individual cooperation! 

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